Yogyakarta Food -Yogyakarta Travel Guide

Yogyakarta Food

Nasi Gudeg

Nasi Gudeg
Nasi Gudeg is a plate of warm rice served with young jackfruit cut in small pieces and a variety of dishes including chicken, boiled egg, tofu, and tempe cooked in thick, slightly spicy coconut sauce, very sweet and slightly spicy.. For added flavour, try having it with Sambel Goreng Krecek (buffalo skin). for add on spicy flavour. Ask any local and they will proclaim proudly that Nasi Gudeg is originated originally from Yogyakarta,. aAnd, they're probably correctit's probably true! Some of the most popular Gudeg restaurants are:

Nasi Langgi

Nasi Langgi
Another unique food wrapped in banana leaves, consisting of warm rice with Empal (Fried Beef), Abon (preserved and sweetened beef), Perkedel (potato cake), rolled omelette and Sambal.

Mee Goreng Jawa (Javanese fried noodles)

Mee Goreng Jawa (Javanese fried noodles)
Tired of the usual fish and pork flavour ofin Chinese style fFried nNoodles or Thai padthai? Give Javanese fried noodles a try! Spicy with a tint of sweetness, don't be surprised if you consider going back for ait sets you for a second serving.

Ayam Goreng Mbok Berek (Mbok Berek's Fried Chicken)

Ayam Goreng Mbok Berek (Mbok Berek's Fried Chicken)
A must tryaste! The fried chicken is flavoured with garlic and coriander.


Commonly ate for breakfast. Soto is a light and appetising soup served with tempe, Perkedel and Liver Satay.

Kipo Kotagede

Kipo Kotagede
Kipo Kotagede is a famous bite size snack only to be found in Kota Gede. It made of green coloured tapioca dough filled with sweetened grated coconut.

Bakpia Pathuk

Bakpia Pathuk
Bakpia Pathuk is another popular snack made from baked green beans wrapped with thin dough pastry.

Wedang Ronde

Wedang Ronde
Often served at night but push-cart vendor. This is a warm ginger flavoured desert served with peanuts and tapioca cake.


Green beans, spinach, sprouts etc. It served with spicy peanut sauce.

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