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Komputer mini yang mudah dibawa pertama kali dibuat pada tahun 1981 dengan nama “Osborne-1”. Ukurannya kurang lebih seperti sebuah koper yang penuh isinya. Lebih berat 10 kg dibanding notebook yang ada saat ini. Resolusi monitornya hanya 52 x 24 pixel. Osborne-1 sudah dilengkapi modem dan serial interface yang terintegrasi. Prosesor Z80A yang digunakan bekerja dengan frekuensi 4 MHz, dengan memori 64 Mbyte.
sumber : computer easy ;
| : Makam Raja-Raja Mataram di Imogiri
Situs Makam Kotagede
Situs Parangkusuma
Situs Pleret
| : Pertapaan Kembang Lampir
Situs Makam Ki Ageng Giring
Menelusuri jejak-jejak situs kerajaan Mataram Islam
Kasultanan Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat
Kadipaten Paku Alaman
Kasunanan Surakarta
Praja Mangkunagaran
Praja Mangkunagaran (atau Mangkunegaran) dibentuk berdasarkan Perjanjian Salatiga yang ditandatangani pada tahun 1757 sebagai solusi atas perlawanan yang dilakukan Raden Mas Said (atau Pangeran Sambernyawa, kelak menjadi Mangkunagara I) terhadap Sunan Pakubuwana III. Raden Mas Said mendapat wilayah yang mencakup sebagian dari bekas Mataram sisi sebelah timur, berdasarkan Perjanjian Giyanti (1755). Jumlah wilayah ini secara relatif adalah 49% wilayah Kasunanan Surakarta setelah tahun 1830 pada berakhirnya Perang Diponegoro atau Perang Jawa. Wilayah itu kini mencakup bagian utara Kota Surakarta (Kecamatan Banjarsari, Surakarta), seluruh wilayah Kabupaten Karanganyar, seluruh wilayah Kabupaten Wonogiri, dan sebagian dari wilayah Kecamatan Ngawen, Gunung Kidul.
Penguasa Mangkunegaran, berdasarkan perjanjian pembentukannya, berhak menyandang gelar Pangeran (secara formal disebut Kangjeng Gusti Pangeran Adipati Arya, mirip dengan Fürst di Jerman) tetapi tidak berhak menyandang gelar Sunan atau pun Sultan. Status yang berbeda ini tercermin dalam beberapa tradisi yang masih berlaku hingga sekarang, seperti jumlah penari bedaya yang tujuh, bukan sembilan seperti pada Kasunanan Surakarta. Setelah kemerdekaan Indonesia, Mangkunegara VIII (penguasa pada waktu itu) menyatakan bergabung dalam Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia.
Secara tradisional penguasanya disebut Mangkunagara (baca: 'Mangkunagoro'). Raden Mas Said merupakan Mangkunagara I. Saat ini yang memegang kekuasaan adalah Mangkunagara IX. Penguasa Mangkunegaran berkedudukan di Pura Mangkunegaran, yang terletak di Kota Surakarta.
Para penguasa Mangkunegaran tidak dimakamkan di Astana Imogiri melainkan di Astana Mangadeg dan Astana Girilayu, yang terletak di lereng Gunung Lawu. Perkecualian adalah lokasi makam dari Mangkunegara VI, yang dimakamkan di tempat tersendiri.
Warna resmi Mangkunagaran adalah hijau dan kuning emas serta dijuluki "pareanom" ('padi muda'), yang dapat dilihat pada lambang, bendera, pataka, serta sindur yang dikenakan abdi dalem atau kerabat istana.
Peta Mataram Baru setelah Perang Diponegoro pada tahun 1830. Peta ini digambar oleh Meursault2004 alias Revo Arka Giri S. berdasarkan Robert Cribb, 2000, Historical Atlas of Indonesia halaman 114.
Lokasi kecamatan Banjarsari yang merupakan wilayah Mangkunagaran
Tokoh Antagonis Darmo Gandhul
(draft) Link
Telaah Jangka Jayabaya : Perpustakaan Nasional RI
Perpustakaan Nasional RI Menggelar Telaah Jangka Jayabaya
Dari jutaan koleksi Perpusnas terdapat bahan pustaka yang bersubyek tentang “Ramalan Jayabaya” dan untuk sebagian orang, ramalan tersebut dijadikan rujukan tentang kejadian masa lalu, sekarang dan yang akan datang. “Dengan menelaah ramalan Jayabaya, kita berusaha mengaktualisasikan nilai-nilai yang ada didalamnya, mempertebal jatidiri bangsa dan memanfaatkan petuah serta petunjuk yang ada didalamnya, sehingga kita menjadi bangsa yang besar dan berwibawa,” demikan diungkapkan Lilik Soelistyowati, Kepala Pusat Pengembangan Koleksi dan Pengolahan Bahan Pustaka, selaku ketua penyelenggara kegiatan ini.
Kepala Perpusnas, Dady P. Rachmananta dalam sambutannya mengatakan dengan kegiatan telaah Jangka Jayabaya ini bisa membawa manfaat terhadap perbaikan kondisi bangsa. “Dengan ramalan-ramalan Jayabaya, kita bisa telaah maknanya sehingga bisa membangkitkan dan meningkatkan rasa cinta akan hasil budaya bangsa,” katanya.
Dalam sesi sarasehan, Hidayat Yudoprawiro membawakan makalah bertema “Makna Metafisika Ramalan Pralambang Jayabaya”. Dalam pemaparannya, dikatakan bahwa ramalan Jayabaya adalah pemandu gaib keselamatan dan persatuan bangsa. Ramalan Jayabaya Ranggawarsito menunjukkan datangnya kemerdekaan Indonesia tahun 1945M. Ramalan Jayabaya Sabdo Palon menunjukkan datangnya kesadaran keuniversalan semua agama yang tercakup dalam filsafat abadi Ketuhanan Yang Maha Esa yang dimulai pada tahun 2000M.
Prof. Dr. H. Soetarno, DEA , dalam pemaparannya menjelaskan bahwa ramalan Jayabaya mengandung unsur filosofis yang sangat dalam tentang masyarakat Jawa dan Indonesia pada umumnya. Unsur filosofis tersebut perlu diterjemahkan dalam kehidupan, agar dipahami oleh generasi muda. Menurut Rektor ISI Solo ini, berdasarkan pengalaman empris, banyak Ramalan Jayabaya terjadi pada zaman sekarang ini. “Oleh sebab itu generasi harus memahami apa yang tersurat dan tersirat dari ramalan Jayabaya. Banyak nilai-nilai kebaikan yang terkandung didalamnya, seperti kemanusiaan, religius, kejujuran dan keadilan,” tambahnya.
Acara telaah Jangka Jayabaya ini berlangsung cukup meriah dan diapresiasi dengan baik oleh para peserta. Acara menjadi lebih hidup, karena diselingi dengan pagelaran wayang dan gending-gending pada masing-masing sesi. Banyak bermunculan pertanyaan dan ide-ide dari peserta terkait dengan ramalan Jayabaya terhadap upaya perbaikan kondisi bangsa.
Dengan kegiatan ini, diharapkan dapat membangkitkan rasa cinta akan hasil budaya bangsa, mampu menumbuhkan sikap kritis bagi upaya mencerdaskan bangsa serta bisa mengkomunikasikan isi ramalan Jayabaya untuk menjadi pedoman pada masa sekarang dan yang akan datang. Semoga!
Berita terkait: Kompas, Kamis, 19 Juli 2007, hlm. 12.
Ramalan Jayabaya (3 bahasa) melengkapi posting sebelumnya
The river will loose its current. O rio afrouxará sua corrente.
There will be markets without crowds. Haverá uns mercados sem multidões.
These are the signs that the Jayabaya era is coming. Estes são os sinais que a era de Jayabaya está vindo.
The earth will shrink. A terra encolherá.
Every inch of land will be taxed. Cada polegada da terra taxed.
Horses will devour chili sauce. Os cavalos querem o sauce do pimentão do devour.
Women will dress in men's clothes. As mulheres vestir-se-ão na roupa dos homens.
These are the signs that the people and their civilization have been turned upside down.
Estes são os sinais que os povos e sua civilização estiveram girados de cabeça para baixo.
Many promises unkept.
Unkept de muitas promessas.
Many break their oath.
Muitos quebram seu juramento.
People will tend to blame on each other.
Os povos tenderão a responsabilizar em se.
They will ignore God's law.
Ignorarão a lei do deus.
Evil things will be lifted up.
As coisas evil serão levantadas acima.
Holy things will be despised.
As coisas holy despised.
Many people will become fixated on money.
Muitos povos tornar-se-ão fixated no dinheiro.
Ignoring humanity.
Ignorando o humanity.
Forgetting kindness.
Esquecendo-se da bondade.
Abandoning their families.
Abandonando suas famílias.
Fathers will abandon their children.
Os pais abandonarão suas crianças.
Children will be disrespectful to their mothers.
As crianças serão disrespectful a suas matrizes.
And battle against their fathers.
E batalha de encontro a seus pais.
Siblings will collide violently.
Os siblings colidirão violentamente.
Family members will become suspicious of each other.
Os membros da família tornar-se-ão suspicious de se.
Friends become enemies.
Os amigos transformam-se inimigos.
People will forget their roots.
Os povos esquecer-se-ão de suas raizes.
The queen's judgements will be unjust.
Os julgamentos da rainha serão unjust.
There will be many peculiar and evil leaders.
Haverá muitos líderes peculiares e evil.
Many will behave strangely.
Muitos comportar-se-ão estranha.
Good people will be isolated.
Os povos bons serão isolados.
Many people will be too embarrassed to do the right things.
Muitos povos embarrassed demasiado para fazer as coisas direitas.
Choosing falsehood instead.
Falsehood escolhendo preferivelmente.
Many will be lazy to work.
Muitos serão preguiçosos trabalhar.
Seduced by luxury.
Seduzido pelo luxo.
They will take the easy path of crime and deceit.
Farão exame do trajeto fácil do crime e do deceit.
The honest will be confused.
O honesto será confused.
The dishonest will be joyful.
O dishonest será alegre.
The good will be rejected.
O bom será rejeitado.
The evil ones will rise to the top.
Evil levantar-se-ão ao alto.
Noble people will be wounded by unjust criticism.
Os povos nobres serão feridos pelo criticism unjust.
Evil doers will be worshipped.
Os doers evil serão adorados.
Women will become shameless.
As mulheres tornar-se-ão shameless.
Men will loose their courage.
Os homens afrouxarão sua coragem.
Men will choose not to get married.
Os homens escolherão não começar casados.
Women will be unfaithful to their husbands.
As mulheres serão unfaithful a seus maridos.
Mothers will sell their babies.
As matrizes venderão seus bebês.
Women will engage in prostitution.
As mulheres acoplarão na prostituição.
Couples will trade partners.
Os pares negociarão sócios.
Women will ride horses.
As mulheres montarão cavalos.
Men will be carried in a stretcher.
Os homens serão carregados dentro um esticador.
A divorcee will be valued at 17 cents.
Um divorcee será avaliado em 17 centavos.
A virgin will be valued at 10 cents.
Uma virgem será avaliada em 10 centavos.
A crippled men will be valued at 75 cents.
Os homens aleijados serão avaliados em 75 centavos.
Many will earn their living by trading their knowledge.
Muitos ganharão sua vida negociando seu conhecimento.
Many will claims other's merits as their own.
Muitos vontade reivindicam outros méritos como seus próprios.
It is only a cover for the dice.
É somente uma tampa para os dados.
They will proclaim their righteousness despite their sinful ways.
Proclamarão seu righteousness apesar de suas maneiras sinful.
Many will use sly and dirty tricks.
Muitos usar-se-ão sly e truques sujos.
Rains will fall in the wrong season.
As chuvas cairão na estação errada.
Many women will remain virgins into their old age.
Muitas mulheres remanescerão virgens em sua idade velha.
Many divorcees will give birth.
Muitos divorcees dão o nascimento.
Newborns will search for their fathers.
Os newborns procurararão por seus pais.
Religions will be attacked.
As religiões serão atacadas.
Humanitarianism will no longer have importance.
Humanitarianism quer tem não mais por muito tempo a importância.
Holy temples will be hated.
Os temples holy serão odiados.
They will be more fond of praising evil places.
Serão mais afeiçoados de elogiar lugares evil.
Prostitution will be everywhere.
A prostituição estará em toda parte.
There will be many worthy of damnation.
Haverá muitos dignos do damnation.
There will be many betrayals.
Haverá muitos betrayals.
Children will be against father.
As crianças estarão de encontro ao pai.
Siblings will be against siblings.
Os siblings estarão de encontro aos siblings.
Friends will become enemies.
Os amigos transformar-se-ão inimigos.
Students will show hostility toward teachers.
Os estudantes mostrarão a hostilidade para professores.
Neighbours will become suspicious of each other.
Os vizinhos tornar-se-ão suspicious de se.
And ruthlessness will be everywhere.
E o ruthlessness estará em toda parte.
The eyewitness has to take the responsibility.
A testemunha ocular tem que fazer exame da responsabilidade.
The ones who have nothing to do with the case will be prosecuted.
Esses que não têm nada fazer com o caso prosecuted.
One day when there will armagedon.
Um dia em que lá armagedon da vontade.
In the east, in the west, in the south, and in the north.
No leste, no oeste, no sul, e no norte.
Good people will suffer more.
Os povos bons sofrerão mais.
Bad people will be happier.
Os povos maus serão mais felizes.
When this happens, a rice cooker will be said to be an egret.
Quando isto acontece, um fogão do arroz estará dito ser um egret.
The wrong person will be assumed to be honest.
A pessoa errada será suposta para ser honesta.
Betrayers will live in the utmost of material comfort.
Os traidores viverão no máximo do conforto material.
The deceitful will decline even further.
O mais adicional uniforme do declínio deceitful da vontade.
The evil persons will rise to the top.
As pessoas evil levantar-se-ão ao alto.
The modest will be trapped.
O modesto será prendido.
The noble will be imprisoned.
O nobre imprisoned.
The fraudulent will be ferocious.
O fraudulent será ferocious.
The honest will unlucky.
A vontade honesta unlucky.
Many merchants will fly in a mess.
Muitos comerciantes voarão em um mess.
Gamblers will become more addicted to gambling.
Os gamblers tornar-se-ão mais addicted a gambling.
Illegal things will be everywhere.
As coisas ilegais estarão em toda parte.
Many babies will be born outside of legal marriage.
Muitos bebês serão parte externa nascida da união legal.
Women will propose marriage.
As mulheres proporã0 a união.
Men will lower their own status.
Os homens abaixarão seu próprio status.
The merchandise will be left unsold.
A mercadoria será deixada unsold.
Many people will suffer from starvation and inability to afford clothing.
Muitos povos sofrerão do starvation e da inabilidade ter recursos para a
Buyers will become more sophisticated.
Os compradores tornar-se-ão mais sofisticados.
Sellers will have to use their brains and muscle to do business.
Os sellers terão que usar seus cérebros e músculo fazer o negócio
In the way they earn a living, people will be as rice paddies being swung
around and blown up.
Na maneira ganham uma vida, os povos serão porque os paddies do arroz que
estão sendo balançados ao redor e fundidos acima.
Some will go wild out of control.
Alguns irã0 selvagens fora do controle.
Those who are not ambitious will complaint of being left behind.
Aqueles que não são queixa ambiciosa da vontade de ser saida atrás.
The ones on the top will get lost.
Esses no alto começarão perdidos.
The ordinary people will slip.
Os povos ordinários deslizarão.
The arrogant ones will be impaled.
Arrogantes impaled.
The fearful ones will not survive.
Temíveis não sobreviverão.
The risk takers will be successful.
Os takers do risco serão bem sucedidos.
The ones who are afraid of taking the risks will be crushed under foot.
Esses que estão receosos de fazer exame dos riscos serão esmagados sob o
The careless ones will be wealthy.
Descuidados serão ricos.
The careful ones will whine about their suffering.
Cuidadosos lamentar-se-ão sobre seu sofrimento.
The crazy ones will get their portion.
Loucos começarão sua parcela.
The ones who are mentally and physically healthy will think wisely.
Esses que são vontade mentalmente e fisicamente saudável pensam
The farmers will be controlled.
Os fazendeiros serão controlados.
Those who are corrupt will spend their fortune lavishly.
Aqueles que são vontade corrupt gastam sua fortuna pròdigamente.
The queen who does not keep her promises will lose her power.
A rainha que não mantem suas promessas perderá sua potência.
The leaders will become ordinary persons.
Os líderes transformar-se-ão pessoas ordinárias.
The ordinary people will become leaders.
Os povos ordinários transformar-se-ão líderes.
The dishonest persons will rise to the top.
As pessoas dishonest levantar-se-ão ao alto.
The honest ones will be unlucky.
Honestos serão unlucky.
There will be many people own a house on horseback.
Haverá muitos povos para possuir sobre uma casa horseback.
People will attack other people.
Os povos atacarão os povos.
Children will ignore their fathers.
As crianças ignorarão seus pais.
Parents will not want to take their responsibility as parents.
Os pais não quererão fazer exame de sua responsabilidade como pais.
Merchants will sell out of their merchandise.
Os comerciantes venderão fora de sua mercadoria.
Yet, they will lose money.
Ainda, perderão o dinheiro.
Many people will die from starvation in prosperous times.
Muitos povos morrerão do starvation em épocas prósperas.
Many people will have lots of money yet, be unhappy in their lives.
Muitos povos terão lotes do dinheiro ainda, sejam infelizes em suas vidas.
The crazy one will be beautifully attired.
Louco será belamente attired.
The insane will be able to build a lavish estate.
O insano poderá construir uma propriedade pródiga.
The ones who are fair and sane will suffer in their lives and will be
Esses que são vontade justa e sã sofrem em suas vidas e serão isolados.
There will be internal wars.
Haverá umas guerras internas.
As a result of misunderstandings between those at the top.
Em conseqüência dos enganos entre aqueles no alto.
The numbers of evil doers will increase sharply.
Os números de doers evil aumentarão agudamente.
There will be more criminals.
Haverá mais criminosos.
The good people will live in misery.
Os povos bons viverão na miséria.
There will be many people die in a war.
Haverá dado de muitos povos em uma guerra.
Others will be disoriented, and their property burnt.
Outros serão disoriented, e sua propriedade queimou-se.
The honest will be confused.
O honesto será confused.
The dishonest will be joyful.
O dishonest será alegre.
Akeh pangkat lan drajat pada minggat ora karuan sababe.
There will be disappearance of great riches, titles, and jobs.
Haverá um disappearance de riches, de títulos, e de trabalhos grandes.
There will be many illegal goods.
Haverá muitos bens ilegais.
There will be many babies born without fathers.
Haverá muitos bebês carregados sem pais.
Those people who forget God's Will may be happy on earth.
Aqueles povos que se esquecem da vontade do deus podem ser felizes na
But those who are remember God's will are destined to be happier still.
Mas aqueles que são recordam que vontade do deus é destined ser um
destilador mais feliz.
Ruthlessness will become worse.
O ruthlessness tornar-se-á mais mau.
Everywhere the situation will be chaotic.
Em toda parte a situação será chaotic.
Doing business will be more difficult.
Fazer o negócio será mais difícil.
Workers will challenge their employers.
Os trabalhadores desafiarão seus empregadores.
The employers will become bait for their employees.
Os empregadores transformar-se-ão bait para seus empregados.
Those who speak out will be more influential.
Aqueles que falam para fora serão mais influential.
The wise ones will be ridiculed.
Sábios serão ridiculed.
The evil ones will be worshipped.
Evil serão adoradas.
The knowledgeable ones will show no compassion.
Knowledgeable não mostrarão nenhum compassion.
The pursuit of material comfort will incite crime.
A perseguição do conforto material incite o crime.
Job titles will become enticing.
Os títulos do trabalho tornar-se-ão seduzindo.
Those who act arbitrarily will feel as if they are the winners.
Aqueles que agem arbitrariamente sentirão como se são os vencedores.
Those who act wisely will feel as if everything is wrong.
Aqueles que agem sàbiamente sentirão como se tudo é errado.
There will be leaders who are weak in their faith.
Haverá os líderes que são fracos em sua fé.
Their vice regent will be selected from among the ranks of the gamblers.
Seu regent vice será selecionado entre dos Rank dos gamblers.
Those who have a holy heart will be rejected.
Aqueles que têm um coração holy serão rejeitados.
Those who are evil, and know how to flatter their boss, will be promoted.
Aqueles que são evil, e sabem lisonjear sua saliência, serão promovidos.
Pemerasan saya ndadra.
Human exploitation will be worse.
A exploração humana será mais má.
The corpulent thieves will be able to sit back and relax.
Os ladrões corpulent poderão sentar-se para trás e relaxar.
The hen will hacth eggs in a carrying pole.
Os ovos do hacth da vontade da galinha em um pólo carregando.
Thieves will not be afraid to challenge the target.
Os ladrões não estarão receosos desafiar o alvo.
Robbers will dissent into greater evil.
Everybody will compete for personal victory.
Os salteadores querem o dissent em um evil mais grande.
Todos competirá para a vitória pessoal.
Looters will be given applause.
Os looters serão dados o aplauso.
People will slander their caregivers.
Slander da vontade dos povos seus caregivers.
Guards will steel the very things they are to protect.
Os protetores querem o aço as coisas que very devem proteger.
Guarantors will ask for collateral.
Os guarantors pedirão collateral.
Many will ask for blessings.
Muitos pedirão blessings.
Everybody will compete for personal victory.
Todos competirá para a vitória pessoal.
Ruthlessness will be everywhere.
O ruthlessness estará em toda parte.
Religions will be questioned.
As religiões serão questionadas.
Many people will be greedy for power, wealth and position.
Muitos povos serão greedy para a potência, a riqueza e a posição.
Rebelliousness will increase.
Rebelliousness aumentará.
Religious law will be broken.
A lei religiosa será quebrada.
Human rights will be violated.
As direitas humanas violated.
Ethics will left behind.
A vontade do ethics saiu atrás.
Many will be insane, cruel and immoral.
Muitos serão insanos, cruéis e immoral.
Ordinary people will be segregated.
Os povos ordinários serão segregados.
They will become the victims of evil and cruel persons.
Assentarão bem nas vítimas de pessoas evil e cruéis.
Then there will come a queen who is influential.
Então virá uma rainha que seja influential.
She will have her own armies.
Terá seus próprios exército.
Her country will measured one-eighth the circumference of the world.
Sua vontade do país mediu one-eighth a circunferência do mundo.
The number of people who commit bribery will increase.
O número dos povos que cometem o bribery aumentará.
The evil ones will be accepted.
Evil serão aceitadas.
The innocent ones will be rejected.
Inocentes serão rejeitadas.
Tin will be thought to be silver.
A lata será pensada para ser prata.
Gold will be thought to be copper.
O ouro será pensado para ser cobre.
A rice cooker will be thought to be an egret.
Um fogão do arroz será pensado para ser um egret.
The sinful ones will be safe and live in tranquility.
Sinful estarão seguros e vivos no tranquility.
The poor will be blamed.
Os pobres serão responsabilizados.
The unemployed will be rooted up.
Os desempregados serão enraizados acima.
The diligent ones will be forced down.
Diligent serão forçadas para baixo.
The people will seek revenge against the fiercely violent ones.
Os povos procurarão a vingança de encontro às ferozmente violentas.
Workers will suffer from overwork.
Os trabalhadores sofrerão do overwork.
The rich will feel unsafe.
Os rich sentirão inseguros.
People who belong to the upper class will feel insecure.
Os povos que pertencem à classe superior sentirão insecure.
Happiness will belong to evil persons.
A felicidade pertencerá às pessoas evil.
Trouble will belong to the poor.
O problema pertencerá aos pobres.
Many will sue each other.
Muitos sue.
Human behaviour will fall short of moral enlightenment.
O comportamento humano cairá brevemente do enlightenment moral.
Leaders will discuss and choose which countries are their favourites and
which ones are not.
Os líderes discutirão e escolherão que países são seus favoritos e que não
Hurrah! Hurrah!.
Hurrah! Hurrah!
The Javanese will remain half.
O Javanese remanescerá meio.
The Dutch and the Chinese each will remain a pair.
O holandês e o chinês cada um remanescerão um par.
Many become stingy.
Muitos tornam-se stingy.
The stingy ones will not get their portion.
Stingy não começarão sua parcela.
The ones who receive their portion will be generous.
Esses que recebem sua parcela serão generosos.
Street beggars will be everywhere.
Os pedintes da rua estarão em toda parte.
Bewildered persons will be everywhere.
As pessoas bewildered estarão em toda parte.
These are the signs that the people and their civilization have been
turned upside down.
Estes são os sinais que os povos e sua civilização estiveram girados de
cabeça para baixo.
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- : Makam Raja-Raja Mataram di Imogiri
- Situs Makam Kotagede
- Situs Parangkusuma
- Situs Pleret
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- Menelusuri jejak-jejak situs kerajaan Mataram Islam
- Kasultanan Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat
- Kadipaten Paku Alaman
- Kasunanan Surakarta
- Praja Mangkunagaran
- Peta Surakarta - PDF (download)
- Masjid Agung Surakarta
- Solo Lama
- Tokoh Antagonis Darmo Gandhul
- Telaah Jangka Jayabaya : Perpustakaan Nasional RI
- Ramalan Jayabaya (3 bahasa) melengkapi posting seb...
- R. Ng. Ronggowarsito : Serat Kalatida
- R. Ng. Ronggowarsito : Serat Sabdo Tomo
- R. Ng. Ronggowarsito : Serat Sabdo Jati
- R. Ng. Ronggowarsito : Serat Joko Lodhang
- R. Ng. Ronggowarsito : Sejarah
- Pakai Software Bajakan, 11 Perusahaan di Serpong D...
- (code) Radio FM 107.9 Surakarta
- (code) Leah Dizon Streaming
- : Manjakan Penguna Handphone dan Multim...
- Download Video manapun pakai Realplayer 11. FREE !!!
- Multiply's Import Tools : Photos, Videos, Blog
- Kebenaran di balik tewasnya 10 orang di konser Bes...
- Great!, Guestbook kini ada pilihan support Html co...
- Pajang Wajah Nabi Muhammad, Wikipedia Dikecam
- Tips : Administrator Group apapun dan dimanapun
- Pose Sampahnya Jupe
- (software) Transtool-Kamus penerjemah Bahasa Inggr...
- [draft] : ID Live Radio Stations
- (draft) BBC Indonesia
- (code) Group Ngobrol - Streaming
- (code) Radio Ria 89.7 FM - Singapore
- (mov) Crazy Prog Videolist
- (mov) Langgam Jawa
- (code) Indonesian Community - Streamings
- (code) Campursari - Streaming
- Real or Fake Video
- (code) Koleksi Lagu Jawa Campuran - Streaming
- (code) Radio Pro2FM Surabaya
- (code) Radio Rismata FM - Kemanggisan, Jakarta
- (map) Wikimapia - Surakarta
- (code) Radio Mustang - Jakarta
- (code) Radio Rodja - Ahli Sunnah wal Jamaah
- (code) Radio Republik Indonesia
- (code) Kaskus Radio
- (code) Radio Nafiri 107.1 FM Surabaya
- (code) Radio Ria Pop FM
- (code) RTV-Garuda Suriname
- (code) RTV Mustika - Suriname
- (Code) Radio Suara Jawa
- (code) Indo Hitz
- (code) RPK FM , Radio Pelita Kasih
- (code) Heartbeat Station
- (code) tjap Radio Bandoeng
- (code) DJ Wirya online
- Radio Prambors
- D Radio - Radio Keluarga Indonesia
- Hang106 Batam - Radio Dakwah Sunnah
- PutraFM - Online jam 10:00-24:00 WIB (Senin-Jum'at)
- Al-Barokah - Radio Tarbiyah
- Smart FM - The Spirit of Indonesia
- My Quran Radio - Komunitas Muslim Indonesia
- spinRADIO - A new concept of internet radio
- IndoSound - Indonesian Internet Radio
- Maestro FM Bandung
- Indonesia NetRadio - Cyber Education and Entertain...
- (code) DJFM 94.8 - The Ultimate Youngster Radio
- (code) Retjo Penthung - Jogjakarta
- (code) Eltira FM - Yogya Spirit
- Radio Star FM - The Real Music
- (code) Triangle Voice Radio
- (code) MetroTV News
- PENTING: Tolong Perempuan-perempuan Pengungsi Irak...
- (radio) Heartbeat Station
- (radio) Screamer Radio - internet radio tools
- Inet Radio : Screamer Radio
- (radio) Garuda Suriname NV
- Midi-Karaoke Player : GoSing
- (radio) Kaskusradio
- (mov) Wayang Kulit
- (mov) Sendratari Ramayana
- (mov) Youtube Fav. Videos
- (mov) Candi di Indonesia
- (mov) Taman Sari Jogjakarta, eksotika masa lampau
- (mov) Prajurit Jogjakarta
- Midi-Karaoke Player : Van Basco